Understand Historical Data Status

The Data Status API will list the percentage of completeness of floor data over the specified time period from [0-1]. With this information, you can determine whether historical metric data is ready to pull for the floor and spaces on the floor during the requested time period. This metric is available for floors with Open Area Sensors.

Note: If you have both Open Area sensors and Entry Sensors in your portfolio, it is best to wait until after a space's daily_reset time to query this API.

How to interpret the data

The completion metric is only available for floors with online Open Area (OA) sensors, and it reflects the historical data sent by these sensors for the given time period. If the floor completion rate is less than 1 for a period, there may be a few reasons:

(i) Floor is not fully commissioned: All floors can be queried via API, even if they aren’t fully ready to be used for analytics. Consult the status field on the Spaces endpoint to determine if the floor is in live state or planning state. If the floor is planning state, a completion rate less than 1 may be expected.

(ii) Floor completion rate: Historical data is processed with a delay to improve accuracy. If the period you are requesting data for is less than 8 hours old, it is likely the floor will complete soon. Although rare, if data is received from a sensor 14 hours in the past, the data processing will complete the following weekend to ensure in time data is processed with no delay.

(iii) Sensors going offline: Sensors being offline can be attributed to two scenarios; Powered Off or Disconnected from Density Servers (eg: no internet connectivity). If a sensor is offline, it will not be able to send data during that period.

  • If the sensor is fully powered off, no data will be captured, resulting in a completion rate less than 1 for that period.
  • If a sensor is disconnected from Density servers, it may send data once it reconnects to the internet — a device can collect up to a month’s worth of data based on the amount of physical memory onboard.

Data can be processed late which is described in point (ii). Consult the Historical Device Health API to confirm this issue is affecting your sensors. If this is a recurring issue, please contact support so it can be reviewed.

Selecting spaces to Query

Customers with both Entry and Open Area Sensors

To ensure that all data across sensor types is fully ingested into our system you should wait to query the Data Status API until after a building’s daily_reset time in the building’s timezone.

If the floor completion rate is less than 1 for a period more than 14 hours in the past, we recommend contacting support to help determine the cause of the missing data to determine if it is as complete as possible before ingesting into your systems.

Recommended flow for pulling historical data:

  1. Wait until a building’s daily_reset time in the building’s timezone to query data for the previous day.

Example: If the building’s daily_reset time is 04:00 and the building’s timezone is America/New_York, wait until 4:00 AM Eastern time on 06/21 to query data for 06/20.

  1. Query the Data Status API with the previous day’s period.
    1. For floors that have completion = 1, you may pull all the data for the floor and its child spaces for that period.
    2. For floors with completion < 1, refrain from pulling in the data or flag that it may change. Density recommends contacting support to help determine the cause of the missing data to determine if it is as complete as possible before ingesting into your systems.